venerdì 27 giugno 2014

I've lost my heart.
Life lost all meaning.
What I would give to see you again.

martedì 24 giugno 2014

I can remember the old days,
when you and me used to hide away
where the stars were shining or the sun was blinding our eyes

With promises that could never last
And I still find pieces of you in the back of my mind

And all of the things that we once said,
they're not in my heart, they're in my head
That was the time to say goodbye
Let's put it to rest, let it die

I was looking for your face in the crowd
but trying to keep my head down

Over time our wires crossed
well you changed and truth got lost
All the things I would change if we could only rewind

You were a moment in life that comes and goes
A riddle, a rhyme that no one knows
A change of a heart, a twist of fate
Couldn't fix it, it's too late.

I still can remember that day, when our hands touched accidentally..
How I miss those moments..

Everything will happen by the way, naturally

All that remains is dreaming.
Rains is coming down too fast
Drops on this glass

lunedì 23 giugno 2014


You spend more than half of your time, your precious and limited time that life grants you, in places and with people that you didn't choose to see, and that probably you would not have chosen either then...

We should spend the best years of our life with the people we love, in different places, to do whatever we want to do, to talk, play, laugh, run, travel, see...

This is my paranoia now...

People do not realize it? Why they pretends to nothing?
It's s a gradual voluntary suicide ..

It's s a nonsense ..

A crime ..

What is the sense of living a life like this?

Passi più della metà del tuo tempo, il tuo preziosissimo e limitato tempo che la vita ti concede, in posti e con persone che non hai scelto tu di vedere e che probabilmente non avresti scelto neanche in seguito...

Bisognerebbe passare gli anni migliori della propria vita con le persone che si amano, nei luoghi più svariati, improbabili e sempre diversi, a fare tutto ciò che ci va di fare, a parlare, giocare, ridere, correre, viaggiare, osservare..

Questa è la mia paranoia ora..

La gente non se ne accorge? Perché fa finta di nulla?
È un suicidio volontario graduale..

È una assurdità..

Un crimine..

Qual'è il senso del vivere una vita così?

venerdì 20 giugno 2014

I don't know how am I still holding on
I'm wasting my time on my own
I felt this way for far too long

I always try to capture the beauty in people
I always try to see myself through the eyes of someone else

I'm too shy to say that I need help
I'm trying to figure out what is all about.

I lay in tears in bed all night

I always find myself searching for something But I don't really know what it is

I feel that empty part of me
That waiting to been filled

martedì 17 giugno 2014

I've a need right now, a real need of making a new video and edited it.. If only I could stop someone, anyone on the street..

Someone that likes the sky

I've a need right now, a real need of making a new video and edited it.. If only I could stop someone, anyone on the street..

Someone that likes the sky

venerdì 30 maggio 2014

In my mind

I sing all day from when I wake up until I fall asleep at night

I was thinking if this only happens to me.

This is for Kodaline

If only you guys knew how much you help me, every day with your music, this is for you…

You are love, love is life

Happiness in small things.
I found happiness in a book..

I found happiness in someone's words

martedì 8 aprile 2014

Mi è partita la paranoia di editare un nuovo video, spero di non stare su fino a tarda, altrimenti domani mattina chi si alza più??
Oggi la mia motivazione per alzarmi, vestirmi, prendere macchinatrenometro e gambe in spalla era pari a zero, infatti ho pisolato tutto il giorno e ora mi è partita la scimmia del nuovo video che avevo in mente da un pò...we'll see..

sabato 5 aprile 2014

April the five

I don't have to tell you how to live your life, because it's only your, but many times I tried to make you understand what I need, what kind of guy I need by my side, if you're not that kind of guy then I don't care, don't say that I have a heart of ice because you know how much I'd be bad, but I can't be with someone that is not made for me.

I need physically and mentally, someone who is beside me , that can "see" me , that knows that I exist, that in the morning gives me a -"good morning" and in the evening asking me -"how was your day?".

That listen while I talk and that makes me questions about what I'm saying, that it is interested in what I do and say, or at least pretend to be, you know, you can't be really interested in everything at 100%, but at least to the things that matters.

If I cry and I'm bad, I mean, it's obvious that something is not right.

The only thing I see is you standing at work and then at home , quietly live your life, because you are tired to hear, and speak no more, you haven't any reasons for being interested.

I'm the most insecure person in the world, I need to talk and talk and clarify and repeat things that I already know and that I've heard thousands times.

I need to review a movie when we have seen, to speak about us occasionally, to talk about you and me, about the world and the universe, about life and about the strange way in which the clouds are moving above our heads.

Life is made of what else? If on thousands of interconnecting wires between people communicating each other, and if there is no communication that happens ?

But this , I understand, it's just my problem, because I understand that you act in this way just with me, in fact, when it's 4 pm, I can't wait to see a little message from you, that wouldn't cost more than half a second of your life, and by the other side, I find in your cell phone thousands of daily conversations with people, which of course, doesn't include me .

But as you say, why we should repeat things that should be discounted ?
I should already know. Obviously.

Nothing is taken for granted in this world , one thing I've learned in my life and it's this, that nothing should be taken for granted, especially when it comes to feelings.


Non sono io che devo dirti come vivere la vita, perché è solo tua, ma più volte ho cercato di farti capire di che cosa ho bisogno io, di che tipo di ragazzo ho bisogno al mio fianco, se tu non sei quel tipo di ragazzo allora non mi interessa,non dire che ho il cuore di ghiaccio perché sai quanto ci starei male, ma non posso stare con una persona che non è fatta per me.

Ho il bisogno fisico e mentale di qualcuno che mi stia accanto, che mi "veda", che sa che esisto, che la mattina mi da il buongiorno e la sera mi chiede com'è andata la giornata.

Che mi ascolta mentre parlo e che mi fa domande su ciò che sto dicendo, che sia interessata a quello che faccio e che dico, o che almeno faccia finta di esserlo, non si può essere davvero interessati a tutto al 100 percento, ma almeno alle cose che sono importanti.

Se io piango e sto male, credo sia palese che c'è qualcosa che non va.
L'unica cosa che vedo sei tu che te ne stai li a lavoro poi a casa, in silenzio a vivere la tua vita, perchè ti sei stancato di ascoltare, e non parli più e non chiedi più non ragioni più con me.

Io sono la persona pi§ insicura del mondo, ho bisogno di discutere di parlare di chiarire e di sentirmi ripetere cose che so già e che ho sentito migliaia di volte.

Ho bisogno di commentare un film quando l abbiamo visto, di parlare dinoi ogni tanto, d parlare di me e di te del mondo e dell'universo, della vita e dello strano modo in cui si spostano le nuvole sopra le nostre teste.

La vita di cosa è fatta se no?Se non di migliaia di fili interconnessi fra persone comunicanti, e se non c'è la comunicazione che succede?

Ma questo, ho capito, è solo un mio problema, perchè solo con me ti comporti così, infatti, quando io alle 4 del pomeriggio non aspetto altro che un miserissimo messaggio da parte tua, che non costerebbe altro che mezzo secondo della tua vita, trovo nel tuo cellulare migliaia di conversazioni giornaliere con persone, che ovviamente, non sono io.

Ma come dici tu, perhè ripetere cose che dovrebbero essere scontate?
Intanto, io le dovrei già sapere.

Niente è scontato a questo mondo, una cosa ho imparato nella mia vita ed è questa, che niente si deve dare per scontato, soprattutto quando si parla di sentimenti.

giovedì 27 marzo 2014


I realize now, how the people around me is empty, as devoid of feelings, I wonder how it's possible.
I can see the emptiness in their eyes.

The words are broken and their gestures are always the same.

I see a mass of people walking towards me, each with his head bowed, engaging in activities that exclude them from real life and, the world is there, right in front of them.

But they don't look, they don't see all the beauty that's all around ..

They only see a black screen.


Mi accorgo solo ora, di quanto la gente attorno a me sia vuota, come priva di sentimenti, mi chiedo come sia possibile.
Vedo il vuoto nei loro occhi.

Le parole sono spezzate e i loro gesti sono sempre gli stessi.

Vedo una massa di persone camminare verso di me, ognuna col capo chino, impegnati in attività che li escludono dalla vita reale e il mondo è lì, proprio davanti a loro.

Ma non guardano, non vedono tutta la bellezza che c'è attorno..

Vedono solo uno schermo nero.

venerdì 21 marzo 2014

Let me dream,
let me just dream all night, because
it's the only thing that remains...

The force of the wind pushes me over,
the sun is so hot, your face lights up and your skin shines like never before.
I see your eyes through the lens, a bright green.

Tears run on your face.

It's been too long and we are no longer the same as before, your gestures are broader, more mature, your words more dense and concentrated.

Lie in the grass, a sense of peace that we would never end.

Die at that moment to stop time and forget who we are.

I want to continue dancing in the wind.

I'm a spirit that soar above the clouds, we are free to live the life we want to live.

lunedì 17 marzo 2014

I thought you could hide yourself forever, because the truth hurts sometimes, maybe too, if the truth is kept secret...

Maybe it's something that can destroy it. 
keeping everything inside hurts you.
Ruining yourself, day after day, and consume you until you become

Nobody ever said that living a relationship is an easy thing, no one can say that be in a relationship with another person is the same of any friendship.

When there is a relation of friendship, has little importance "when"; when call or when see each other, because sooner or later this will happen.

Having a relationship implies the care, take care of each other, lovingly, spontaneously, see and look for each other.
The "abstract presence" of the "other" means just this, the knowledge, the certainty that there is always here for you; even if not physically.

In love there is nothing obvious, anything can be misunderstood and subsequently resumed and repaired.

The communication first of all, fundamentally, this I really learned, that communication is very important for the growth of the couple, if that miss or miss in part is difficult to achieve serenity for both.


Nessuno ha mai detto che vivere una relazione sia una cosa facile, nessuno può dire ch e essere in una relazione con un'altra persona si equivalga con una qualunque amicizia.

Quando c'è un rapporto di amicizia ha poco importanza il quando, quando ci si chiama, quando ci si vede, basta che prima o poi questo avvenga.

Avere una relazione implica il curarsi, prendersi cura in un certo senso l'un l'altro, in modo affettuoso, in modo spontaneo, sentirsi, cercarsi.
La "presenza astratta" dell' altro, significa questo. il sapere, la certezza che ci sarà sempre, anche se non fisicamente.

Nell'amore non c'è niente di scontato, tutto può essere frainteso e di conseguenza ripreso e riparato.

La comunicazione prima di tutto, cosa fondamentale, questo ho davvero imparato, che la comunicazione è importantissima per la crescita della coppia, se non c'è quella o manca in parte è difficile raggiungere la serenità per entrambi.

For you

You're stronger that you know

You can do anything

You don't have to let it go for any reason

I believe in you
I've always believed in you

I wish I could tell you so many things

But you amaze me every time
And let me open-mouthed
For all the courage
That you have shown in recent years

For all the times you've changed

For all the times you've faced many problems
and as throught them

You faced your challenges head-on

And did you get out winner

You've never been afraid to fight
For the things that
really cared

I'm proud of you and what you do every day

It's not too late to break out of this country

You can swim across the ocean and face a thousand different lives

And when I feel like giving up
like my world is falling down

You takes me away to a better place and

I know that everything

Everything's gonna be fine

At this time I feel the emptiness around me, as if I were in the middle of a deserted mead, I feel the silence, only the sweet sound of the wind that blowing make dance the ears of corn ...

In questo momento sento il vuoto attorno a me, come se fossi in mezzo ad una prateria deserta, sento il silenzio, solo il dolce rumore del vento che soffiando fa danzare le spighe di grano...

giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Che cos'è l'amore, se non un posto dove rifugiarsi quando il mondo ti fa paura?

Don't know what is happening to me in this period, my doctor said that I'm probably too stressed out and that is the cause of the panic attacks of these days.

Suddenly I feel my heart beat so fast for about one minute, my breath start to fades out, everything around me starts to spin, my legs are weak and I no longer have the feeling of touching the ground.

I don't want to think of this as a disease to be cured, so take some pill or go to some kind of doctors that make you brainwashed, ok I trust my doctor and I've read that these symptoms could be associated with the attacks, but since they are occurring within a specific period of my life I believe that everything is only in my mind and I've got to face this thing by myself, maybe continuing with meditation, yoga, and breathing control.
Maybe stopping to think continuously, as Eckhart Tolle say in his books, give breath to the mind...

I'm sure of what I want to do, I'm not sure to succeed...

lunedì 3 marzo 2014

My NEW video-montage!!!

If you think it's worth it to do something then do it, you can not regret things you've done and that you should not do, they are obviously things that are not against the law, or even against your moral, but life is one and the only thing you may regret it one day, is not having lived as you wanted, not having lived fully.

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

The BEST series TV

But not the 9 season :)

We looked in the water,  jets of foam created games with the waves.
Our eyes closed, the sun kissed and warmed us..
These evenings, by the streets of Milan, the sky is still clear and this make me feel a sense of an absolute peace, the city will change color, people seem to change as the light falling on the trees and set to disappear.

giovedì 20 febbraio 2014


I can be so introvert, it's even hard to eat in front of people who I know little, or not at all, I can not figure out if it's shyness or just "careless to act", I would like to understand who I am and what I should do, it seems that every day things get worse, inside of me, cloud of anger and resentment, is stopping me in moving forward.
I don't know what to do, what to think, who to talk to, about this.
Sometimes I feel a sense of anger and sadness at the same time, I feel as lost and abandoned. I feel alone and ignored, then I feel bad because I pretend to feel good. I isolate myself, I have my music, my books, my movies. But then those thoughts and anxieties return.
At the night... nightmares.
I just want to be alone and hate me for what I am. Or what I'm not.
I can lie to the world, trying to be happy, trying to be expansive, but I know that I can't lie to myself.

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014

Just about me and the world

If a like a moment, in me personally, I don't like the distraction of the camera… just wanna stay… right there, right here...

Secret life

To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to fid each other and to feel.
This is the purpose of life.