lunedì 17 marzo 2014

For you

You're stronger that you know

You can do anything

You don't have to let it go for any reason

I believe in you
I've always believed in you

I wish I could tell you so many things

But you amaze me every time
And let me open-mouthed
For all the courage
That you have shown in recent years

For all the times you've changed

For all the times you've faced many problems
and as throught them

You faced your challenges head-on

And did you get out winner

You've never been afraid to fight
For the things that
really cared

I'm proud of you and what you do every day

It's not too late to break out of this country

You can swim across the ocean and face a thousand different lives

And when I feel like giving up
like my world is falling down

You takes me away to a better place and

I know that everything

Everything's gonna be fine

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